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Micro Bio CHP
Highly efficient energy supply system

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Windhager Zentralheizung GmbH
Anton-Windhager-Str. 20
5201 Seekirchen, Austria
Phone: (+43) 06212 / 2341 - 0
Fax: +43 06212 4228

Board of Directors: Gernot Windhager
Commercial Register: Salzburg Commercial Court
VAT ID number: ATU 61870345
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Initial Concept and Design:
Heidlmair Kommunikation
Marktgasse 56 | A-1090 Wien | Österreich
Web: https://www.heidlmair.com/

UX | UI | Responsive Design & Programming
Reelworx GmbH
Peter-Behrens-Platz 2 | A-4020 Linz | Austria
Web: https://reelworx.at/